
Monday, September 16, 2013

Philly a large concentration of waste.

I’m a transplant from Chicago and can honestly say that after five years of living here, I’m moving on. Every city has it’s pros and cons, but Philadelphia gave up a long time ago. Not only does this city brag about being the highest ignorance level they also take pride on having a small town, uncultured, unworldly perspective on anything outside the city (or even the neighborhood they live in).

This is a city where everyone is born, raised, and dies here. The locals have no social skills which exemplifies why they continue to stay friends with everyone from elementary, high school, and college (if they even make it that far). Nobody in this city knows how to function outside of dysfunctional relationships, and nobody has work ethic in the surrounding area which explains why the employment and pay is amazing here. Upon moving here I was shocked at how well the jobs pay and how quickly I received the job. After living here over a year I soon realized that it’s because the entitled locals strive on laziness and a typical blue collar attitude.

North, West, Southwest, and South Philly is primarily a shit wreck and just needs to be knocked down and restructured. Northeast Philly is completely surrounded with a disturbing amount of white trash. Center City has no parking (and when you do you get a ticket), it’s creepy quiet during the week and crammed full of locals during the weekend fighting, stumbling in front of your car, talking shit, and littering.

Nobody in Philly knows the words “please”, “thank you”, or any other type of common courtesy, nor does anyone know how to dress and take pride in appearance here. Manayunk looks cute and quaint on the outside, but get alcohol in them and you will find the women are total loose bitches, and the men are arrogant ass holes. If everyone here spent as much time investing in being nice, taking pride in themselves, and stopped throwing trash out the window as much as they invest in the shitty sports teams this place would be amazing.

Rude, arrogant, ignorant, self centered, uncultured druggies is composed of 99% of the population here. If I met one normal person in this city without a preconceived notion I would probably shit myself and have a heart attack. Dating is horrendous and the gay community has one of the highest HIV rates in the country with the most caddy and destructive attitudes.
If you have any level or education and know how to function in society stay the hell away from here. I will give Philly this…the food is AMAZING but aside from that come here for the weekend, get fucked up, go clubbing, get a cheesesteak, and go the hell home.

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