
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Origins of "The Black Period"

I’ve never seen nor heard of the black period until the white hooker, blond, green eyes.

As soon as my face was a little next to her, her eyes lightened up, and in a brusque movement, her lips attacked mine, and start kissing, I was disgusted, since American females are disgusting and gross, I always think their mouth smells the uncut penis...

Up in my room, after undressing,  just at the moment she sat on the bed, in a position that made her legs a little open, her vagina start licking blood, not licking but dripping, few drops to be honest, and nope, it's not menstruation...its black period,

Its a condition that American females suffer from due to prolonged exposure to super sized penises or to large insertion in their vagina, it start by microscopic tearing, and accumulate into a tear causing a little to moderate bleeding, it happens all the month long, so its like "la roulette russe" you and your chances to see the Black Period.
I‘am disgusted just to the fact that she’s white American, but when I saw the red liquid dripping out of the between of her legs, I was just stunned in degout...I told her to just leave, she said she will blow me off instead...I just wanted her to disappear from my sight, with her small green eyes and lipless mouth...she insisted, she told me she do good BJ...which is true for 99% of American females.

I let her and I'am next to vomiting by disgustingness....Well, here is the monkeys dick sucker doing what she does best, all her skills as a blow off machine were at work, for more than an hour....Nothing happened...le degout is just great....I just told her to just “Go, Go, Go, and dont come back", and I've never seen her again.
Now every time i see a white female, I want to puke.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The proportion Black/White a serious issue in America

The diverse structure of the American society, mainly its black and white components, will create a deep issue that everybody in the American society seem to look the other way, to ignore that it is serious, and affecting the family value and putting white men dignity on the ground as the ultimate price to pay for freedom and to keep the Union.

A Video presenting another lost card used by stupid Americans to improve their image; Corrupted souls Mestizos used by SAS, and as Always, Sa Majesté Franco TaMere uncovered the corruption of souls of Mestizos interacting with Le glorieux Mister. Core.
The video tend to seem of ambiguous nature, yes it is, it is touching deep in the Core of the American structure, it's confusing for the stupid masses.

Philadelphia: Note de conclusion

American trying to save the face via Philly, and I think they are playng their last card ans investing and making sure to play it right, bon, j'avais passer mon sejour aux states in the north east between NYC, Boston and Philly, j'aurais pu passer toutes ces annees en floride, mais bon c une autre story, j'aurais pu finir comme une vegetable...on sais jamais, c le destin ou les pulsion autodestructive, ki sait.

Bon voila, j'ai l'impression que philly selling their ass to give a good image to NYC, ou peut etre meme a Boston, parceque Philly is fucked up by nature, c desesperer meme que Negros town gives a good image des states, alors les States as a whole leur esprit evil play the card of making philly look bad so at least NYC or Boston will get some dignoty... so here is Philly resident in their eternal self hate, in fact je pense il font ce qu'on appelle reverse psychology which is changing your mind about something by acting in the total opposite way you are expecting them to act...they are picking on Boston in a excessive way that I doubt they are trying to make me get some sympathy for Boston, comme koi les states veux saver la face somehow. j'ai deja dealer avec ca et leur esprit vilain a comrprit que j'ai un esprit d'analyse assez developper, in fact they been learning how to deal with me all these years, comme un virus qui developpe resistence au vaccins...surtout Negros, c fou le progres ils ont fait since they start interacting with Franco TaMere in all its extension and etats d'esprit. the first interaction was about slavery, je sais meme pas ce qui la pousser a lancer "Here we go another slaves", first days in America sans meme knowing any english, since then he activated the evil spirit of Negros..and it was war...
About to say good bye to Philly shittiest city in the world, where Negros are no different than Negros in the worst part of Africa, except that here they are being petted by the American government, Negros mind is so banal, naive and simple, no wonder why they never invented the wheel, Negros are living worries free, all the free shit handed to them by the name of slavery reparation, their mind and mental abilities development been in hibernation state since the emancipation, which freed them from cotton fields and put the dependence on el masta aid chain on their neck, so you find them like cattle roaming around, or blocking public areas with a dumb, empty soulless look in their eyes....Their last tendency is, when they lack hygiene, either by lazyness, or their desire to forge an identity, they let the 70 afro grow up on their face and they be like ..."we be revolting on al masta, we be Muslim terrorists and sheet" dumb Negros....If you got a beard you are a Halal food or perfumes vendor....The most dangerous Muslims got a Mustache.

I know Islam isn't popular with most people here, but let's be clear and recognise that the "Islam" practiced by niggers has absolutely nothing to do with the Islam of the Middle East or the Koran. Nigger "Islam" is a prison religion, based on the hatred of Whites and blaming the country they live in for their self-inflicted dysfunctions. At minimum, these Islamo-niggers should have read about Islamic law and realized that almost no nigger would have either a penis or hands if held to 100% efficient Islamic justice.

Brief tired of eating fried chicken, every day, never tried watermelon, since I dont want to be stereotyping food, but I did got some grape juice, no kool aid for me...

I concluded that they still suffering from the Black/White Proportions, white male as inferior causing their family value to be the joke of the world...and Negros find unemployment and whoring around more lucrative than actually working.

Severe case of the Gay

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
 When I'm finished with them, I'll make Attila the Hun look like a fag.
Frank Rizzo, lulziest mayor of Failadelphia

On the other side of Philadelphia, there's been a severe outbreak of Fagengitus, which has infected everyone with gay and AIDS. Because of this, Philadelphia is fast approaching the title of 'Gayest City in America' (watch your back, San Francisco!). Hell, Philadelphia even designates an entire section of the city as the 'Gayborhood'. Anyone who enters this quarantine will also be infe
cted with the gay, as well as six guys wanting to suck yourcock. Philadelphia also devotes a history month to them, and makes hating gays shun-worthy and almost illegal. Fred Phelps would probably come down to protest this bullshit, if he weren't guaranteed to be infected with the gay by doing so.

Philly a large concentration of waste.

I’m a transplant from Chicago and can honestly say that after five years of living here, I’m moving on. Every city has it’s pros and cons, but Philadelphia gave up a long time ago. Not only does this city brag about being the highest ignorance level they also take pride on having a small town, uncultured, unworldly perspective on anything outside the city (or even the neighborhood they live in).

This is a city where everyone is born, raised, and dies here. The locals have no social skills which exemplifies why they continue to stay friends with everyone from elementary, high school, and college (if they even make it that far). Nobody in this city knows how to function outside of dysfunctional relationships, and nobody has work ethic in the surrounding area which explains why the employment and pay is amazing here. Upon moving here I was shocked at how well the jobs pay and how quickly I received the job. After living here over a year I soon realized that it’s because the entitled locals strive on laziness and a typical blue collar attitude.

North, West, Southwest, and South Philly is primarily a shit wreck and just needs to be knocked down and restructured. Northeast Philly is completely surrounded with a disturbing amount of white trash. Center City has no parking (and when you do you get a ticket), it’s creepy quiet during the week and crammed full of locals during the weekend fighting, stumbling in front of your car, talking shit, and littering.

Nobody in Philly knows the words “please”, “thank you”, or any other type of common courtesy, nor does anyone know how to dress and take pride in appearance here. Manayunk looks cute and quaint on the outside, but get alcohol in them and you will find the women are total loose bitches, and the men are arrogant ass holes. If everyone here spent as much time investing in being nice, taking pride in themselves, and stopped throwing trash out the window as much as they invest in the shitty sports teams this place would be amazing.

Rude, arrogant, ignorant, self centered, uncultured druggies is composed of 99% of the population here. If I met one normal person in this city without a preconceived notion I would probably shit myself and have a heart attack. Dating is horrendous and the gay community has one of the highest HIV rates in the country with the most caddy and destructive attitudes.
If you have any level or education and know how to function in society stay the hell away from here. I will give Philly this…the food is AMAZING but aside from that come here for the weekend, get fucked up, go clubbing, get a cheesesteak, and go the hell home.

Fuck Philly right in the ass with the large end of the Liberty Bell

After coming across this site, I was happy to discover that I’m not the only who despises Killadelphia. I moved to this shitbox of a city for a job four years ago and honestly, I’m done. I’m looking for a new job and getting out of this cesspool before I turn in to one of these whitetrash cheese steak-munching fuck sticks in a XXXXL Eagles hoodie.

This city is devoid of culture, manners and any desire to better itself. Everyone living here could have rickets and foot growing out of their asshole and they wouldn’t care. As long as (Philly sports team of the season) is winning it’s all ok. I was as at a Phillies game once and during a rain delay they showed the arena football championships on the big screen. The Philadelphia Soul won the championship and the entire fucking stadium explodes screaming “World Champions! World Champions!”. Three days later I saw a billboard for the Philly Soul advertising SEASON tickets for $49. Are you fucking kidding me?

Fuck the Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, 76ers and every douchebag in a jersey that can’t stop booing like a crybaby every time they lose a game.
 In the past four years, I’ve stepped in human shit on the street, been hit by a drunk cab driver and had a dude start pissing in the same urinal as me at a bar. This city sucks so bad that it’s cops literally once dropped a bomb on some of its citizens. All I have to say is that they should have used a bigger bomb.

Philly is the city where hope goes to get gang raped behind Geno’s Steaks. And speaking of the illustrious cheese steak. Hey Philadelphia, it’s cheese and steak on bread…not the goddamn Mona Lisa. Get over your fucking selves.

If North Korea wants to shoot missiles at the U.S., I hope they aim for Philly.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

From Philly: A Wife and a Gigolo

KKK: Negros way.

Negra in the Kitchen: Before KFC

Negros Fitness

Negro: A Form of wasted existence.

COPS in Philly as Lame as the CIty.

Operation Revenge: Filmed in Philly

Islam in Philly.....

He Beez PIMPing her out from the Mosque.

Philly: The City of the brotherly Love

Negro gay muscle

Negro homo

Muslim in PHILLY

Open you Mouth

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Cops in Philly still stupid, they made no progress in years , and it seems like the over all city and even PA states is suffering from a sort of collective mental is due to the large presence of Negros making the white population Negros in white corpses...serious talk here.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Philly...A failled Negros integration

Philly is going to end up like Detroit....Word! son!...whites living in Philly are Negros with Caucasian look....They are behind...they made no progress in years other than blowing off Negros to cheer up the eagles and drive cars with lights on...the large presence of Negros and Boricua wont make it any better...